Emerald Ascendor (also known as 'Catzmagick') is a multidimensional traveller currently incarnated in human form. His mission has lead him to this universe in order to assist in the awakening of humankind. You humans hold a specific frequency that will play an essential role in the healing and learning processes that all of creation is currently experiencing.
Although presently inhabiting a human body himself, Emerald Ascendor is by no means solely of this world. He has perpetual access to those higher realms of existence that have only been glimpsed throughout the ages. He brings to this planet a unique energetic signature - THE EMERALD SPARKLE SYNERGY ESSENCE - that he is the sole bearer of in this particular part of the cosmos. This energy is able to assist other humans. Emerald Ascendor is a certified expert in the practices of DNA ACTIVATION, PAST LIFE CLEANSING, FUTURE LIFE SELECTION, SPIRIT VITALITY RETRIEVAL and his own unique ENERGETIC VORTEX REINTEGRATION THERAPY (copyright). Emerald Ascendor became aware of his powers when his human body was just three years of age. Misunderstood throughout his formative years, he is now a fully activated HIGH-WAVE LIGHT BEARER. He is alone in this world, but he is thankful to the armies of STARSEEDS and LIGHTWORKERS currently appearing on this planet who go some way in assisting him in his mission. His restored memories have reminded him of his previous incarnations where he advised King Solomon, Plato and Leonardo da Vinci. Emerald Ascendor may be able to assist in helping you discover YOUR divinity. |
Emerald Ascendor also appears in another incarnation, a being known as 'Catzmagick'.
Catzmagick sometimes works with a human channel known as 'Magenta Pixie', and he has created some 'channellings' of his own...
Emerald Ascendor also appears in another incarnation, a being known as 'Catzmagick'.
Catzmagick sometimes works with a human channel known as 'Magenta Pixie', and he has created some 'channellings' of his own...